Tuesday, June 18, 2013

White: Purity, Innocence, Sympathy, Spirituality

Early tradition used white roses as a symbol for true love, an association which would later become the hallmark of the red rose. Also known as the bridal rose, the white rose is a traditional wedding flower. In this sense, white represents unity, virtue, and the pureness of a new love. White roses are also associated with honor and reverence, which makes them a fitting memorial for a departed loved one.

Perfect for: Your wife (first day of marriage); that weird neighborhood kid who always wears a cummerbund; your wife (last day of marriage.)

Orange: Desire, Enthusiasm and Passion

A literal mixture of yellow and red, orange roses were seen as a bridge between friendship symbolized by yellow roses and love represented by red roses. They can be an expression of fascination, or a gift to say 'I'm proud of you.'

Perfect for: Halloween honeymoons; minor academic achievements (first A-, graduation from butcher academy, etc.); subtly hitting on married people.

Chocolate Gift

Chocolate gift has strong symbolic meaning as love, passion, care, happy life. It is a great simple gift that surprise us. Forest Gump ever said, “Momma always said life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” Yes, it is true, some people like it hot, other like it melted, some like it with peanuts, some like it chocolate! Life is like a box of Chocolates.

Chocolate History

Chocolate (Theobroma Cacao) was cultivated thousands year ago by Mayan and Aztec people. Chocolate was originally grown in Amazon and South America. Spanish colonizer was controlling chocolate’s trading and brought to Europe since 18 century.
But Swiss made it snack for the first time and become the best producers of chocolate in the world. Smart entrepreneur in Switzerland developed machine and chocolate factory and invented the better processing method. Swiss did not grow cacao because in general the cacao only grown in tropical climate. Today Switzerland is country that produces best chocolate in the world. Chocolate entrepreneurs for instant Tobler and Nestle become the name of Chocolate famous brand.

Chocolate is Love and Care Gift

Chocolate is love, passion, care, and friendship gift. Chocolate contains substance or alkaloid of cacao like theobromine andphenylethylamine will stimulate our chemical brain. Both substances will trigger our brain to producedopamine that arousing relax, comfort, and joy feeling. Lover loves chocolate gift. Eating chocolate from someone you like, it has passion taste that maybe the way you are to falling in love.

Meaning of Chocolate Gift from Men

Chocolate gift from men is symbol of care and fun, if it gave by friends and family member. Your brother or sister gave chocolate; it is means that she/he loves and cares of you. She/he wishes you to relax and gave a little attention and care too. If chocolate is from your boyfriend, it has meaning that he wishes your love relationship as nice and fun as chocolate. He wishes your attention as delicious as chocolate.But if chocolate gift is from someone who attracted with you, it is a beginning. Maybe he a little bit afraid to gave flower gift as the best romantic gift for women. But he wants to know your feeling. It mean that he want to detect if you available.
If gift is not roses or flower, chocolate is good simple gift at Valentine day. But the best is both: Roses and Chocolate, undivided combination. Have you ever got it? But remember, playboy known the chocolate best. Do not eat the bait, it is a lure. I am sorry, I told you their secret.
Good men known well that women loves chocolate. But do not try to bribe her with it. Women has natural instinct to know what behind your chocolate gift. Make sure your chocolate gift in right time, good place, and not cheap one

Monday, June 17, 2013

light rainbow



Life is very painful for Adira Nur 20 year old girl has undergone many obstacles in his life 15 years Adira have lost beloved family road accident. At the beginning coma but he realized he and his family at that time was gone and already wrapped, so he was injured but he still has good friends with him. Hampur 2 months he did not go to school Dira silence was about to close when pmrnya attempt tp she has started to turn around and go have some to school as usual. Smile that almost faded now back with the support of his colleagues.
        've Already Adira adult tp his story at the time and intermediate persekolaha not be forgotten. He is currently overseas, he continued to learn to lepun place he always dreamed of.
     "Adira wake up you're lambatlah" shouted Ainnur Adira partners. Adira gan eyes open slowly, looking at the clock on the wall. Adira almost wide-open eyes he continued to rise up and continue to take a close with his towel.

    "I told you to plague you do not want to go to bed early should you have to go to dream, you get mad prof cans maybe to you" said Ainnur. Adira is in the bathroom startled.
    "Can you shut up" angry Adira. Ainnur there just keeps mum mengelengkan head and continue right away. In 10 minutes Adira was in the bathroom, he finally came out whatsoever.
He continued to run toward clothing that has been in place since last night.
   "Kan ni ish sooner you know you do not want to see you prof at 9.30am ni dah dah ni at 8:50 am going to get there take half an hour you know ......" Bebel Ainnur his close friends are alone this. Adira sigh ....
  "I do not know yah lah lah you want membebel near me,,,,, ish" quite high little voice Adira. But no wonder Ainnur ....
  "What ever, but soon to be angry with your prof not me, my good boy hehehe" derogatory Ainnur. Adira Jelling towards Ainnur. Ainnur more fierce laugh.
  "You really want to do that I'll be hehe ....." Adira words hanging and waking. Adira continues to be directed towards the cheek and pulled Ainnur Ainnur. Ainnur laugh as well as Adira ....
  "You got to be later be angry ...." said Ainnur.
  "Err actually I think malaslah pouring right, I want to sleep back lah,, hehe not to be angry pe I'm not you,, please,,, I sleep more ea Divide" said Adira,,, He made a face seposen but still Ainnur with his contention ...
  "Dah,, no meaning if you do that you're seposen face,, I'm x behavior with you tathu, but now it has to go shower now diamond umbrella Yey, fruit, heart of Ahmad Afiq ... hehe you're being a sore right,, dah shower I wanted to sleep back,, well now you look at how many hours that's done, I x kesih evening I class, and no de sorry for your holidays going Yey,,, haha ​​"said Ainnur,,, Makin Adira sour face when he heard That's the name of the gonjol Afiq,, 'what is not there anymore hensam to,, how Izzue Islam,, hehe' Adira laugh locating one self,,, "huh ni why'm crazy laughing alone-alone ... huh we asked her to fast but enabled pouring-sotang laugh alone ... what is the fate I can haish strange friends like you ni ... "Bebel Ainnur ... Adira face suddenly became gloomy,, tears already stagnant, he began to stand up and leave Ainnur, ..
  "I do not go and talk to prof class later," said Adira and stride away,, Ainnur dumbfounded, he felt guilty, 'this mouth haish even one,, what about you calap like that,, ur my friend sulk, , that it was going to be difficult to persuade 'angry Ainnur while patting his mouth very pushy, and she needs to persuade Adira, but what should he do, and where are going pergii Adira, headaches brain think the problem ...

follow peers in chapter 1 ... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

cahaya pelangi...


             ADA CAHAYANYA

Hidup ini bagi Nur Adira amat menyakitkan gadis berumur 20 tahun ini telah menjalani pelbagai rintangan pada umurnya 15 tahun Adira telah kehilangan keluarga tercintanya akibat kemalangan jalan raya. Pada mula dia koma tapi dia sedar dan keluarganya pada masa itu sudah tiada dan dah dikapankan,sungguh dia terluka tapi dia masih mempunyai rakan-rakannya yang baik dengannya. Hampur 2 bulan dia mendiamkan dira tidak ke sekolah padahal dah nak hampir percubaan pmrnya tp dia sudah mulai kembali pulih dan pegi kesekolah seperti biasa. Senyuman yang hampir pudar kini kembali dengan sokongan rakan-rakannya.
        Dah sudah Adira dewasa tp kisah nya pada zaman persekolaha n menengah tak akan dilupa. Dia kini berada di luar Negara,dia sambung belajar ke lepun tempat yang dia idam-idamkan.
     “Adira bangun kau dah lambatlah”jerit Ainnur rakan Adira. Adira membuka mata gan perlahan-lahan lalu melihat jam di dinding. Mata Adira hampir terbeliak dia terus bangkit bangun dan terus mengambil tuala yang dekat dengan nya.

    “tulah aku suruh kau tidur awal kau tak nak ada ke patut kau pergi berangan,you prof maybe can get mad to you”kata Ainnur. Adira yang ada di dalam bilik air tersentak.
    “can you shut up”marah Adira. Ainnur di situ hanya mengelengkan kepala dan terus mendiam kan diri. Dalam 10 minit Adira berada di dalam bilik air,akhirnya keluar jua dia.
Dia terus berlari menuju pakaian yang telah disediakan sejak tadi malam.
   “ish kau ni kan cepatlah kau tahu tak prof nak jumpa kau pukul 9.30pg ni dah pukul 8.50 pg dah ni nak sampai sana mengambil masa setengah jam kau tahu……”bebel Ainnur dekat rakan nya yang sorang ni. Adira mengeluh….
  “aku tahu lah tak yah lah kau nak membebel dekat aku,,,,,ish”agak meninggi sedikit suara Adira. Tapi Ainnur tak heran….
  “what ever, but soon to be angry with your prof not me, my good boy hehehe”perli Ainnur. Adira jelling kearah Ainnur. Makin galak ketawa Ainnur.
  “you really want to do that I'll be hehe…..”kata-kata Adira tergantung dan bangun. Adira terus menuju kearah Ainnur lalu menarik pipi Ainnur. Ainnur ketawa begitu juga dengan Adira….
  “dah lah nanti kau yang kena marah….”kata Ainnur.
  “err  sebenarnya kan aku rasa malaslah pulak,, aku nak tidur balik lah,, hehe tak pe yang kena marah aku bukan kau,, please,,, bagilah aku tidur lagi ea” kata Adira,,, Dia membuat muka seposen tapi Ainnur tetap dengan pendirian nya…
  “dah,, tak ada makna kalau kau buat muka seposen kau tu,, dah x laku dengan aku kau tathu,, sekarang ni intan payung pergi mandi sekarang yey,, buah hati kepada Ahmad Afiq… hehe kau ni sengal lah,, dah mandi nak tidur balik,, sekarang baik kau tengok jam tu dah pukul berapa,, aku x kesih kelas aku petang,, dan tak de maaf bagi mu nak cuti yey ,,, haha” ujar Ainnur,,, Makin masam muka Adira bila dia mendengar nama si Afiq gonjol tu,, ‘apalah tak ada yang lagi hensam ke,, macam Izzue Islam ke,, hehe’ Adira ketawa seoarang diri,,, “hah ni kenapa dah gila ketawa sorang-sorang…huh kita suruh dia cepat tapi diboleh pulak ketawa sorang-sotang… haish apalah nasib aku dapat kawan pelik macam kau ni…”bebel Ainnur… tiba-tiba wajah Adira menjadi suram,, air mata dah bertakung,, dia mula berdiri dan meninggalkan Ainnur,..
  “Aku tak pergi kelas dan cakap dengan prof nanti,”ujar Adira dan terus melangkah pergi,, Ainnur tercengang,, dia berasa bersalah,, ‘haish mulut ni pun satu,, apa pasal kau calap macam tu,, ni kawan aku merajuk,, dah lah payah nak pujuk’ marah Ainnur sambil menepuk mulutnya kerana lancang sangat,, dan dia perlu memujuk Adira,, tapi apa yang perlu dia buat,, dan kemana Adira nak pergii,, sakit kepala otaknya memikirkan masalahnya…

ikuti sambungan di bab 1...~~~~~

Pink: Love, Gratitude, Appreciation

Pink carries with it the connotation of grace and elegance, as well as sweetness and poetic romance. Dark pink roses are symbolic of gratitude and appreciation, and are a traditional way to say thanks. Light pink roses are associated with gentleness and admiration, and can also be used as an expression of sympathy.

Perfect for: Sick secretaries; the platinum blonde in your life; this well-mannered horse.

Read more: http://www.rd.com/slideshows/6-rose-colors-and-their-meanings/#ixzz2WSiAz2h8

Lavender: Enchantment, Majesty, Love at First Sight

The color purple has a traditional association with royalty. In this regard, shades of lavender roses suggest an air of regal majesty and splendor. 

Perfect for: Encouraging crazy bosses; patronizing The Queen; dinner with Kanye.

Read more: http://www.rd.com/slideshows/6-rose-colors-and-their-meanings/#ixzz2WShZziEi

Yellow: Friendship, Joy, Get Well

Throughout history, yellow has been closely associated with the sun, making these roses excellent for cheering people up. Yellow roses send a message of appreciation and platonic love without the romantic subtext of other colors. The color represents feelings of joy and delight.

Perfect for: Tormenting your ex; worshiping Sekhmet or your solar deity of choice; picnics in the 1930s.

Read more: http://www.rd.com/slideshows/6-rose-colors-and-their-meanings/#ixzz2WSfoqt5s

meaning the ros red....

Red: Love and Romance

One of the most universal of all symbols, the red rose represents true love. It has also appeared throughout history and across cultures as both a political and religious symbol.

Perfect for: Freaking out your first date; covering beer stains; wooing a hunky bishop.

Read more: http://www.rd.com/slideshows/6-rose-colors-and-their-meanings/#ixzz2WSef8Ht4